Basic things you need to know about immigration law


If you’re living in the USA or simply reading a lot about what’s going on at the country, chances are that you’ve already heard about Immigration Law at least once before. If not, that’s also fine. Today we’re here to talk all about it, what it is and if it affects you in any way. Since it’s a pretty serious subject we won’t make this introduction any longer, so let’s dive into the content straight away.

What is Immigration Law?


Immigration Law is what defines a person’s citizenship and current residency status. Depending on this, it binds them with their rights and obligations. Also, if the person lives in the US but they’re not born in the US, it determines how they can gain residency, citizenship or visitation rights. The last but not least part of the immigration law is deportation, which is sadly a pretty important procedure and has to be carried out if needed.

When is immigration “acceptable” in the USA?

Just like any other country in this world, The United States of America want to improve themselves by bringing talented and skilled individuals that can help push the nation forward. This also happens to be the first ideal out of the four regarding immigration.

These are the four ideals of US Immigration

– To bring foreign individuals that can contribute to the country with their unique skills and talents

– To unify families that have been dispersed and split up

– To increase diversity amongst the population

– To protect refugees and other people from wars and other risky situations that might be going on in their homeland at the moment

As you can see, all of the reasons are for a good cause, and you are pretty much welcomed in the US as an immigrant unless you’re there illegally and for something that’s not allowed such as a shady business. If you want to learn more about this subject, feel free to visit

How is the immigration process carried out?


The federal government has a task to monitor all immigration processes through the department of homeland security, regardless of certain appeals within individual states. Within this department, there are three so-called “sections” and they all have a different purpose. The immigration and Customs Enforcement is supposed to oversee such matters and prosecute all offenders.

The US Citizenship and Immigration Service needs to check all of the applications of the people who want to make legal and legitimate immigration into the country. Customs and Border Protection needs to monitor all of the borders in the country, and pay close attention to make sure everyone who is coming and going is eligible to do that. If there’s any suspicious activity, they need to take action or report to homeland security if the situation is too dangerous to handle.

When it comes to visa types regarding this issue, there are two different categories. Immigrant visas and Non-immigrant visas.

The immigrant visas are for those who choose to stay within the U.S for a long time, but only under the condition to live, work and do anything else that’s productive and healthy for the development of the country.

The Non-Immigrant visas, on the other hand, are for those who simply want to visit or study for a few years then leave. They’re also sometimes given to businessmen as well.